Give examples to prove Confucius' "rule by virtue"?
Regarding the way of governing the country, Confucius once said: "He is honest and has no orders to do things; Although the body is not right, it will not follow. " It means: a ruler, if his behavior is correct, then he won't give orders and everyone will do things; But if the ruler himself is evil and can't be honest and clean, he just can't make one law after another and no one will follow him. For another example, Confucius said, "If you are honest, what does it matter if you go into politics?" ? Can't be right, like a right person? "What he means is: if the ruler corrects his behavior, what difficulties can he have in governing the country? ! If you don't correct your behavior, how can you correct others? ! Therefore, the rulers should be honest and set an example. This is Confucius' consistent thought and the starting point of moral policy.