There are many famous sayings in "The Analects", the most famous one is Confucius's "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you." This sentence appears twice in "The Analects", once in the "Yan Yuan" chapter, Zhong Gong asked about benevolence, Confucius said: "When you go out, you are like seeing a distinguished guest, and when you treat the people as if you are receiving a great sacrifice, do not do to you what you do not want others to do to you. A man has no grudges in his country and no grudges at home." Zhong Gong said, "Although Yong is not sensitive, he can ask for help." Another time is in the chapter "Wei Ling Gong". Zigong asked, "Is there any person who can say something that can be implemented throughout his life?" Confucius said, "How can I forgive you? Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you."