Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, the eldest son of José Ruiz blasco and Maria Picasso Lopez. When he was baptized, his names were Pablo, Diego, Jose, Francisco de paula, Juan Nepomuceno, Maria de Los Remidios and Cipriano de la San Tisima Trinidad. [2]
His name is Jose Ruiz, and he is a painter. His specialty is the naturalistic depiction of birds. He spent most of his life as an art professor at a technical school and a curator of a local museum. Young Picasso showed his passion and skills for painting since he was a child. According to his mother, [3] his first word is "piz", which is the abbreviation of "pencil" in Spanish. [4] Picasso received his first formal college art training from his father, such as figure painting and oil painting. Although Picasso spent his whole childhood in an art school, usually the school where his father taught, he never finished his college course at the Academia de San Fernando and left in less than a year.