600 words is too many. Tell me how you feel. If you find it useful. Just use it. Knives and guns. It is always controlled by people. On whom to use swords and guns. Look at the willingness of the man using the knife and gun. A person's thoughts control his behavior. Influenced by what kind of thinking. will take appropriate actions. If you have a knife or a gun in your hand. Then he will use swords and guns to fulfill his wishes. The Nazis used force to achieve their ideals. But after all, it is not recognized by most people. So there is a failure. The greatest weapon mankind possesses is thought. It exists in everyone's heart. It cannot be destroyed by any violence. That's why there is a large-scale brainwashing campaign. Including the Nazis. It was so powerful back then. Most of it is the result of their brainwashing of the people.