When Confucius taught Zi Gong to forgive, he was afraid that Zi Gong would not be useful, so he explained, "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you." . These two sentences are the fundamental basis for those who forgive Tao.
The word "desire" you don't want is the word "wish" in the Book of Rites. "The Doctrine of the Mean" said: "Loyalty and forgiveness are not far from violating the Tao. Don't do to others what you don't want. " . Kong Shu: "forgive me, I feel it, I feel its meaning to people." Others have done things that are not good for themselves, and they don't want to do it to others, and people don't want to do it. " Don't tell anyone. Zi Gong said in the long Analects: "I don't want others to impose on me, I want others to exclude me." . Ma Rong's note: "Jia, Ling Ye". The mausoleum is a condescending image, which means that the strong don't want it.
In ancient notes, the principle of forgiveness can be explained by the "generous way" mentioned in the Book of Rites University, and its essence can be obtained. The university said, "If you are evil at the top, don't make it worse. If you are evil, don't take it to heart. What is evil is before, not after. What is the evil of the future, not the evil of the past. The evil on the right should not be left to the left. If you are left evil, don't give it to right evil. This is called the way of the party. " What is evil, whether it is up or down, and so on. For example, it is evil for my superiors to impose unreasonable things on me, so I can't order my subordinates like this. Another example is that my subordinates are disloyal to me, fail to perform their duties and are hated by me, so I can't serve my superiors like this. He is like this before and after, and so on. So don't put things you hate up and down, that is, forgive. Therefore, Zheng Kangcheng said, "The way of courtesy lies in holding everything to forgive others."
Zi Gong and Ceng Zi became tolerant sages. We admire the morality of the sages and should encourage ourselves with forgiveness. Never forget the adage "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you". There are too many things you don't want to do, no matter ancient or modern, it can't be all of them. Let me briefly give a few current habits to discuss. For example, I don't want noise, and I think others will feel the same way. So when I watch TV, don't amplify the sound, don't honk the horn when driving, and don't force the public to listen to me singing or speaking in the park with a megaphone. Another example is water pollution, air pollution, pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables. I don't want it, and I don't think anyone wants it. Therefore, my factory can't discharge waste water and black smoke at will, and my fruits and vegetables can't be harvested and sold until pesticides are eliminated. I am a Confucian scholar. I respect Confucius and believe in Confucian classics. I hate it if someone slanders Confucius, or writes irresponsible articles, makes fun of Confucius, or misinterprets Confucian classics out of context, making Confucian knowledge worthless. I think all religious believers respect and maintain their master classics in the same way. Therefore, I must not slander the leaders of various religions or misinterpret the scriptures of various religions. If this list goes on, there will be too much to do. However, the more "no", the more forgiveness can be enhanced, and the more hostility can be turned into peace and hostility into friendship. This shows the efficacy of forgiveness.