1. A gentleman wants to be slow in words but quick in deeds, and then follow his words.
definition: a gentleman should be cautious and slow in his words and diligent and agile in his work. Get things done first, and then speak out.
from: The Analects of Confucius Liren, a disciple of Confucius in the Warring States Period.
Confucius said, "A gentleman is slow in words but quick in deeds." Zi Gong asked the gentleman. Confucius said, "Say what you say before you follow it."
Confucius said, "A gentleman should be cautious and slow in his words and diligent and agile in his work." Zi Gong asked how to be a gentleman. Confucius said, "Do things well first, and then speak out."
2. Think before you move, talk before you act, and you must think about it when you act, and think about it when you say it.
Interpretation: Think before you act, discuss before you practice. Since you practice, you must think that you can tell people about it. Since you have told people, you must think that the words can be fulfilled.
from: Ceng Zi Zisizi translated by Chen Tongsheng.
3. What you say must be done, and what you do must be fruitful.
definition: when it comes to doing something, you must stick to it and stick to your own opinions regardless of right and wrong, which is what ordinary people should do.
from: The Analects of Confucius Zi Lu, a disciple of Confucius in the Warring States Period.
4, the eye, the symbol of the heart; What you say means what you do.
Interpretation: Eyes are the windows of the soul, and words are the intention of behavior.
from: Han Ying's Biography of Han Poetry.
5, words and deeds, the foundation of the body.
Interpretation: A person's words and actions are the foundation of being in the world.
from: Zi Zhi Tong Jian Chen Ji by Sima Guang in Song Dynasty.