This is a famous saying of Confucius, which is used to remind people to treat knowledge with honesty and not to be hypocritical and proud. It is necessary to develop a down-to-earth, serious attitude towards learning, a style of seeking truth from facts, and avoid reckless and grandiose atmosphere. Tell everyone to study with an open mind and don't pretend to understand.
It is about learning attitude, which shows that we should adopt an extremely honest attitude in seeking knowledge or understanding things. Knowing is knowing, and not knowing is not understanding. You must not pretend to understand, but seek truth from facts. Confucius said this to his disciple Luz. At first, in order to attract the listener's attention, he used the sentence pattern that could be vividly portrayed, which also showed that Confucius attached great importance to this learning attitude.
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Confucius advocated that "knowing is knowing, and not knowing is not knowing", and he kept his mouth shut about things he didn't know, so people with below-average intelligence certainly couldn't know everything. Admitting what you know and what you don't know is an honest attitude and the smartest attitude, except those mysterious things. Only when he doesn't know, can he know.
Judging from Lutz's straightforward personality, Confucius hopes that what he remembers is unlikely to be a learning attitude. Confucius may have said another meaning: "Luz, you can remember that you should know what you should know, but even if you know, pretend not to know." This is true wisdom. "
Baidu Encyclopedia-knowing means knowing, and not knowing means not knowing.
Baidu Encyclopedia-knowing means knowing, and not knowing means not knowing.