Tang Bai Juyi and Liu Gongzhuo gave warm gifts to eight dead fathers, including Shangshu Right Servant. There is a saying in the ancients: the tree wants to be quiet, but the wind will not stop, and the son wants to raise it and not wait for it. Don't pay tribute to [bāo], why say [jοng] to the records to comfort the heirs?
Ming Gao Ming's Geben Pipa Volume 37: Confucius heard Gao Yu cry and asked him why. Gaoyu said: The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind will not stop. The son wants to raise it without waiting for his relatives. Or a tree wants to be quiet but the wind is restless, a tree wants to rest but the wind is restless.
Chinese name
The tree wants to keep quiet, but the wind will not stop; My son wants to serve his parents when they are old, but they are gone.
Foreign name
The tree wants to remain quiet, but the wind won't stop; the son wants to serve his parents in their old age, but they are no more.
Children want to support their parents, but their parents have left.
Confucius family language, volume two, thought is eight.