I have heard it, and I have forgotten it; I have seen it, and I have remembered it; I have done it, and I have understood it
Treat others fairly: do not behave inappropriately Or act dishonestly and hurt others.
Make yourself happy and make others happy, don’t hurt yourself and don’t hurt others. I think this is the whole meaning of ethics.
In the relationship between people, the most important thing for the happiness of life is truth, sincerity and integrity.
Honesty and diligence should be your constant companions.
Being loyal and honest and telling your shortcomings to a friend is a great trust. Telling him about his shortcomings is even greater trust.
Don’t tell lies that are harmful to others, and be consistent with what you say and what you say.
Honesty is the best policy, half the truth is often a big lie
Be fair to others: do not harm others by misbehavior or dishonesty