From Mencius' sentence, Mencius said: "Those who grow grains are also beautiful. If you are unfamiliar, it is better to be awkward. Fu Ren also cares about familiarity. "
Mencius said: "Grain is the best crop variety. If it is immature, it is not as good as rice and barnyard grass. Benevolence is also to make people mature. "
For example, no matter how good the conditions are, if you can't achieve anything in the end, you might as well have poor quality conditions.
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Gao Zi is selected from Mencius.
Mencius, a collection of Mencius' speeches during the Warring States Period, recorded the dispute between Mencius and hundred schools of thought, the words and deeds of his disciples, and the lobbying of princes, and was compiled by Mencius and his disciples (Zhang Wan, etc.). ).
Mencius recorded Mencius' thoughts on governing the country, political views (the debate between benevolent government and Wang Ba, people-oriented, respecting the right and wrong of the monarch's heart, people being the monarch, and following the monarch being light) and political actions. It was written in the mid-Warring States period and belongs to Confucian classics. His theoretical starting point is the theory of good nature and advocates the rule of virtue.
In the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu called Mencius, The Analects of Confucius, Daxue and The Doctrine of the Mean the Four Books. Since the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has been regarded as a family heirloom. Just like textbooks now.
Mencius is the longest and heaviest of the four books, with more than 35 thousand words. From then until the end of the Qing Dynasty, the "Four Books" had been a compulsory part of the imperial examination. Mencius' theory is not only pure and broad, but also full of heroic beauty.
Baidu Encyclopedia-The grain is not ripe, it is better to be ripe.
Baidu encyclopedia-Mencius accused