Duo Wen Que Yi
Wen: listen; Que Yi: keep any doubts. Although you are well-informed, if you don’t understand something, you should still have questions. Refers to a modest and prudent academic attitude.
The Analects of Confucius and Governance by Confucius of Lu and Chunqiu: "If you hear too many doubts, be careful about what else you say, you will be rare. If you see many doubts, be careful when doing the rest. , then there will be few regrets. If you have few words and few actions, you will get salary."
Translation: Zi Zhang learned from Confucius how to obtain official salary. Confucius said to him: "Listen more, reserve what you have doubts first, and speak cautiously about the rest that you have no doubts about, which will reduce mistakes; read more, reserve what you have doubts about, and say the rest without doubts." Practicing it carefully will reduce regrets in words and deeds, and official salary will be included in it."