After watching a game of chess, I found that the ax was rotten (Wang Zhilanke), so I went to chop some firewood and walked beside the mist-shrouded valley mouth. Sell ??the chopped firewood, exchange for some wine, look at life with a smile, and be in a high mood. The autumn air was crisp, and I walked on the dilapidated road. At night, I slept with my pillow on pine tree roots under the moonlight until dawn. He recognized the forest as one he had been to before, climbed steep cliffs, and chopped off dead vines with an ax when he encountered them. A load of firewood was collected and carried to the street while singing songs in exchange for a few liters of rice. There was no haggling with buyers or raising the price of firewood. He will not plot against others, but he will also look down upon honor and disgrace and live a peaceful life. Where I met people, they were not gods, but Taoist priests who were practicing, sitting quietly and talking about "Huang Ting".