For example, filial piety in Confucian culture means respecting parents, loving them, and obeying them. However, absolute obedience to parents is not absolute and is not advisable. To distinguish between things, you must not be foolishly filial. Take the essence and discard the dross, criticize and inherit, and use the past for the present. In the face of traditional culture, we must dialectically understand their role in real life and distinguish the essence and dross.
Now there are Confucius Institutes all over the world, and this is the essence. Nowadays footbinding no longer exists. This is the rubbish. We must abandon bad and feudal traditional culture and absorb and learn more from excellent foreign traditional culture. Become the most dazzling wonder on the world stage.
In the face of traditional culture, we must dialectically understand their role in real life and distinguish the essence and dross. The positive and positive content in traditional culture that meets the requirements of social development should continue to be maintained and carried forward.
Things in traditional culture that do not meet the requirements of social development, are backward and decadent must be transformed and eliminated. Develop on the basis of inheritance, inherit in the process of development, grasp the relationship between cultural inheritance and development, critically inherit traditional culture, constantly introduce the old and bring out the new, and innovate the old.
On the one hand, we cannot leave tradition and talk about cultural innovation. The culture of any era is inseparable from the inheritance of traditional culture. For a nation and country, if it ignores the critical inheritance of traditional culture, the innovation of its national culture will lose its foundation. On the other hand, embodying the spirit of the times is an important pursuit of cultural innovation.
The development of social practice has brought about changes in various areas of life such as economy, politics, and culture, requiring culture to embody the spirit of the new times. Cultural innovation is reflected in the efforts to inject the spirit of the times into traditional culture.