The predicate is an affirmative sentence of be verb past tense (was, were), followed by not, which can become a negative sentence.
Affirmative sentence: subject +was/were+.
Negative sentence: subject +was/were+not+.
Was not can be abbreviated as was'nt.
Were not can be abbreviated as Were not.
The interrogative sentence of be verb (past tense).
In the past tense sentence where the predicate is the be verb, move the be verb (was, were) before the subject and add the question (? ), you can form a question.
Affirmative sentence: subject +was/were+.
Question: Was/Were+ ...
The general question at the beginning of the be verb can be answered by Yes or no. Because the question is the past tense, the be verb in the answer sentence must also be the past tense.
Affirmative answer: Yes, subject +was/were.
Negative answer: no, subject +was/were+not.