1. No matter what you do, as long as you have unlimited enthusiasm for it, you will succeed. ——Schwab
2. Achievement is the only real joy in life. ——Edison
3. Indeed, when dealing with human problems, if we only rely on personal insights and talents, abandon the social moral laws formulated to respect individuals, and abandon the foundation of our civilization and the elements of Christianity principles of liberty, equality and fraternity, then even the most talented people are bound to make mistakes. ——Foch
4. But is the defeat already decided and victory hopeless? No, you can't say that! ——De Gaulle
5. It is not a simple matter to develop the character. Only through hardship and hardship can the mind be strengthened, the vision broadened, and the ambition inspired, so as to achieve the goal of success. ——Keller
6. It can be said that success depends on three things: hard work, hard work, and hard work. ——Hardy
7. I succeed because I am determined and never hesitate. ——Napoleon