The story tells the story of a strange man who looks like a clown who appears inexplicably in a small American town.
The town of Derry, Maryland, is a town formed by the logging industry. But since the day the town was founded, there seems to be a clown here, but he is by no means a kind person. Instead, he takes pleasure in killing children. Bullied by bad boys and called the Wimp Club, Billy, Mike, Stan, Bev, Eddie, Ben and Ricky form the Lucky Seven. Billy's brother George lost his life when he ran into a clown while playing on a rainy day. They learned of the clown's existence from Mike's family photo album, and the clown began to threaten the lives of children. In order to avenge George and protect the children in the town, the Seven children are determined to destroy the Joker. After a fierce battle, the clown escaped with injuries. Thirty years later, the evil devil returned to the small town of Derry.
The film is adapted from the 1986 American best-selling novel "Dead Light" by horror master Stephen King. It tells the story of an evil clown who threatens the world and children work together to fight against it.