During the reign of Emperor Kangxi in Qing Dynasty, Zhang, a native of Tongcheng, went to Wenhua Hall as a university student and a minister of rites. The neighbor is another big family in Tongcheng, and the owner is Ye Shilang of the same dynasty. The two families had an argument over the courtyard wall. Mrs Zhang wrote a book for Zhang Ying. Zhang Ying was deeply worried after reading the letter. She replied to the old lady, "A letter thousands of miles away is just a wall, so what's the harm if it makes people three feet?" The Great Wall of Wan Li is still there today, but I haven't seen Qin Shihuang. "So, Mrs. Zhang told the family to stand back three feet and build a wall. Ye Fu was so moved that he ordered his family to move the courtyard wall back three feet. Since then, Zhang and Ye's two governments have eliminated barriers and become family friends.