The land is fertile, the water is beautiful, and the grains are fragrant. The left hand points to Taihang Mountain, and the right hand points to Lu Liang. Standing on that high point, I look up at you. Look at the water of the Fen River. It flows past my small village. The apricot blossoms bloom in the village. Children of apricot blossoms are in their prime years, men are not afraid of all kinds of hardships, daughters can grow into thousands of flowers, and people have ambitions that will never grow old. Look at the white-haired mother-in-law, who straightens her back and looks like seventeen or eighty years old.
Shanxi, as the saying goes, Famous Quotes
The land is fertile, the water is beautiful, and the grains are fragrant. The left hand points to Taihang Mountain and the right hand points to Luliang. Standing on that high point, I look up at you. Look at the water of the Fen River. It flows past my little village. In Xinghua Village next to my little village. The apricot blossoms are blooming, children are in their prime years, men are not afraid of all kinds of hardships, daughters can grow into thousands of flowers, people have ambitions that will never grow old, look at the white-haired mother-in-law, who looks like she is seventeen or eight years old when she straightens her back.