Quotes about brands:
In an era when technology rules everything, it --- brands bring warmth, familiarity and trust. It also creates a sense of belonging and provides us with faith in a (commodity) world without religion. It defines who we are and signals that to those we are associated with.
Everything a company does is an opportunity to build credibility, and it must do what it says it will do. It cannot shout a high score, but end up with a low score after playing cards. Enterprises must use behavior to gain credibility (for themselves).
Quotes about teams:
Cohesion creates strength; unity creates hope.
Three cobblers are more powerful than Zhuge Liang.
It is difficult for a person to achieve great things without team spirit; a company without team spirit will become a mess; a democracy will be difficult to be strong without team spirit.
A heifer sits in a light bulb. Next sentence: 1. A heifer sits in a light bulb. Next sentence: awe