1. People who do not have faith do not know what is possible. There are no big carts or small carts, so how can it move?
2. If a gentleman is not serious, he will not be powerful; if he is learned, he will not be solid. The Lord is faithful. He who has no friends is not as good as himself. Don’t be afraid to correct it if it’s too late.
3. Words must be true, actions must bear fruit, but you are a villain!
4. A gentleman takes righteousness as a pledge, etiquette to practice it, grandsons to show it, and faith to fulfill it. . What a gentleman!
5. When making friends, keep your word
6. The name of a prince must be words, and his words must be actionable. A gentleman has nothing to do with his words. That's all.
7. A gentleman likes to accomplish other people's good deeds, but does not like to facilitate other people's bad deeds. The villain is the opposite.