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Biblical inspirational sayings

The Bible is the religious classic of the Abrahamic religions and consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Bible is not just a religious book, it integrates history, culture, politics, and economy. Together with Greek civilization, it formed today's European and American culture. Let’s take a look at the inspirational quotes that I carefully recommend for everyone. I hope they can be helpful to you.

Selection of inspirational sayings from the Bible:

1. If a person loves life and wishes to enjoy happiness, he must restrain his tongue from speaking evil and his lips from speaking deceit; he must also renounce Do evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it wholeheartedly. "New Testament? 1 Peter"

2. Whoever kills has no eternal life in him. "New Testament? 1 John"

3. People do not live by food alone. "Old Testament? Deuteronomy"

4. In life, you will encounter troubles, just like the flying sparks. "Old Testament? Book of Job"

5. He who perseveres in righteousness will have life; whoever pursues evil will surely die. "Old Testament? Proverbs"

6. In the way of righteousness there is life, and there is no death in its way. "Old Testament? Proverbs"

7. He who keeps his mouth shut will save his life; he who opens his mouth widely will be destroyed. "Old Testament? Proverbs"

8. Quietness in the heart is the life of the flesh, and jealousy is the decay in the bones. "Old Testament? Proverbs"

9. He who keeps his true command will preserve his life; but he who neglects his own way will surely perish. "Old Testament? Proverbs"

10. He who pursues justice and kindness will find righteousness and honor in life. "Old Testament? Proverbs"

11. I hate life because everything I do under the sun seems to me trouble, vanity, and chasing after wind. "Old Testament? Ecclesiastes"

12. There is a season for everything, and a season for everything under the heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to tear down, and a time to build; a time to weep, a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to throw stones, and a time to heap stones; a time to embrace, There is a time not to embrace; a time to look for, a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to abandon. "Old Testament? Ecclesiastes"

13. Whatever happens to humans, happens to beasts, and they are all the same; as this one dies, so that one dies, and the breath is the same. Humans cannot be stronger than beasts, they are all in vain. All return to one place, all came from dust, and all return to dust. "Old Testament? Ecclesiastes"

14. Behold, the oppressed weep, and they have no one to comfort them; their oppressors are powerful, and there is no one to comfort them. Therefore, I praise the dead who are long dead more than the living who are still alive. And I consider that he who has not been born, who has not seen evil under the sun, is greater than both. "Old Testament? Ecclesiastes"

15. Although people live for a thousand years and another thousand years, but do not enjoy blessings, don't everyone go to the same place? "Old Testament? Ecclesiastes"

16. The wasted days of a man's life pass by like shadows; who knows what is good for him? Who can tell him what is behind him under the sun? "Old Testament? Ecclesiastes"

17. There is a time and a theorem for the success of all kinds of affairs, because man's suffering is heavy on him. "Old Testament? Ecclesiastes"

18. No one has the power to control life, to retain life, and no one has the power to control the time of death. "Old Testament? Ecclesiastes"

19. There is this evil in everything done under the sun, that it is the same to all men, and the heart of the world is full of evil. While alive, he was arrogant in his heart, and later he went to the dead. "Old Testament? Ecclesiastes"

20. He who is connected to all living people has hope, because a living dog is stronger than a dead lion. "Old Testament? Ecclesiastes"

21. The living know that they must die, but the dead know nothing and have no reward, and their names are not remembered. Their love, their hate, and their jealousy have all been eliminated long ago. They will never have a share in any work done under the sun.

"Old Testament? Ecclesiastes"

22. When a person lives for many years, he should be happy for many years; however, he should also think of the dark days. "Old Testament? Ecclesiastes"

23. Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or your body, what you will wear. Isn’t life more than food? Isn’t the body more than clothes? "New Testament? Gospel of Matthew"

24. What good can a man gain if he gains the whole world and loses his own life? What else can a man do? What should you give in exchange for your life? "New Testament? Gospel of Mark"

25. Be careful and sober and avoid all greed; for a man's life does not consist in his wealth. "New Testament? The Gospel of Luke"

Selected 2 inspirational sayings from the Bible:

1. Whoever wants to save his life will lose it; whoever loses his life will lose it. Save lives. "New Testament? Gospel of Luke"

2. Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life. "New Testament? Gospel of John"

3. He who believes has eternal life. "New Testament? Gospel of John"

4. Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just one grain; but if it dies, it bears many grains. "New Testament? Gospel of John"

5. None of us lives for himself, and none of us dies for himself. "New Testament? Romans"

6. No one puts new cloth on old clothes. Because the patching that was made ruined the garment, and the damage became even greater. ?"New Tai"

7. He who has ears to hear, should listen. ?"New Tai"

8. The son of wisdom always regards wisdom as his right. ?《New Matthew》

9. What comes into the mouth cannot defile a person, but what comes out of the mouth can defile a person. ?"New Tai"

10. If a blind man leads a blind man, both of them will fall into the pit. ?"New Matthew"

11. You cannot oppose the truth in anything, you can only support the truth. ?"New? Queen"

12. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. ?《New Matthew》

13. Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. ?"New Tai"

14. Don't judge people by their appearance. ?《New》

15. Be a child in evil deeds, but always be a grown-up in your mind. ?"New Brother"

16. Abandon lies. ?《New Ephesians》

17. If anyone is unwilling to work, he must not eat. ?"New Post"

18. Don't lose heart in doing good. ?"New Post"

19. Farmers who work hard should get food first. ?"New Timothy"

20. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. ?《新·太》

 21. Wash the inside of the cups and plates first so that the outside is also clean. ?"New? Tai"

 22. The whitewashed tomb looks good on the outside, but inside it is full of dead people's bones and all filth. ?"New Matthew"

23. Only those who endure to the end will be saved. ?"New Tai"

24. To everyone who has, more will be given, so that he will have an excess. From those who don’t have it, even what they have will be taken away from them. ?"New Tai"

25. Anyone who uses the sword will die by the sword. ?"New Tai"