The ending is the title of the whole movie. It doesn't matter who this person is, or whether this person is everyone, all mankind. Because the film just uses a little girl's selfish lies to build a closed ethical community. This community reveals a kind of stubbornness and selfishness in human nature, always divorced from the truth of the situation and self-enclosed in the state of others. And the movie ending is the climax of this paranoia. Because the truth shames their stupidity and malice, they care more about self-dignity than admitting and accepting the truth. That's the dark side of human nature. Not only do some of them not have the greatest apologies, on the contrary, they prefer to escape the truth. They hate this truth, and they prefer to get rid of this "truth" forever. This ethical situation is very common in life. You just need to think back, when the truth comes out, how many friends, classmates, teachers and elders who once held opposite opinions on the truth can sincerely face the truth and admit their mistakes realistically?