All right. When the mountain falls, it means that the mountains and rivers will fall; When the water is exhausted, the people will be centrifugal, the monarch will be a ship, and the people will be water. If the water is exhausted, the ship will not work; The flowers have withered. Do you mean the scenery is good?
Very long. "King surprised out in a cold sweat, from then on, terminally ill, training mentality is small.
It's getting heavier. A minister wanted to see the king, and the king expressed his thoughts on his deathbed, but the minister smiled and said, "Great,
The fall of the mountain means that the world has risen since then; When the water dried up, the real dragon appeared. King, you are the son of heaven. Flowers wither, flowers wither to see fruit! "The king is bright.
It's loose, and it will recover soon.
Second, there is such an old lady. She has two sons. The first one dyes cloth, and the second one sells umbrellas. She worries about her two sons all day.
When it rains, she will worry about her eldest son because she can't hang the cloth; As soon as it clears up, she will worry about her second son because it doesn't rain.
Our umbrellas cannot be sold. The old lady is always sad, and there is not a happy day, which makes her sick and thin. A philosopher told me
Tell her, why not think the other way around? When it rains, you are excited for your second son, because he can sell umbrellas; As soon as the weather clears up, you will be a big boy.
Son is very excited because he can dry clothes. Under the guidance of philosophers, the old lady will be cheerful and healthy every day.
United States of America
Napoleon, a scientist
Hill said something about mentality:
"There is only a small difference between people, but
It is this small difference that makes a huge difference! A small difference is whether your mentality is positive or negative, a huge difference.
And failure. "
Yes, a person's attitude towards failure often determines his life's fate.
A positive attitude helps people overcome difficulties, make people see hope and keep enterprising spirit. A negative attitude makes people depressed.
Look, I am full of complaints about life and life, self-enclosed, limiting and obliterating my potential. A positive attitude creates life, while a negative attitude disappears.
The consumption of life. The positive attitude is
The starting point is the sunshine and rain of life, which makes people's hearts become soaring eagles. Negative thoughts
The country is the root of failure,
Is the chronic killer of life.
Make people subject to some kind of shadow set by themselves.
Choosing a positive attitude is a choice.
Hope to see; Choosing a negative attitude is doomed to leave the swamp of failure. If you want to
If you want to make your dream come true, you must give it up.
Abandon this negative mentality of obliterating one's potential and destroying what one wants to see.
2 "Face difficulties with a positive and optimistic attitude"
A friend went to England by boat, and suddenly he was hit by a storm. Everyone in the car panicked, but his friend saw the old lady.
I prayed so quietly that my eyes looked peaceful. After the storm passed, my friend asked the old lady curiously, "Why didn't you do it at all?"
Afraid? "
The old lady said:
"I have two daughters, the eldest daughter Diana has gone to heaven, and the youngest daughter Maria lives in England. The wind just now
When the waves hit, I prayed to God: "If you take me to heaven, I will visit Diana;" If I am left on the boat, I will go to see the horse.
Leah. Wherever I go, I can stay with my beloved daughter. How could I be afraid? "
Second, a donkey fell into a dry well. It piteously cried for help, expecting its master to save it. The owner of the donkey dialed this number.
Several relatives and neighbors gave advice, but they still couldn't figure out a good way to save the donkey. Everyone finally decided that this dry well would come sooner or later when the donkey was old.
You have to fill it out, too So people picked up shovels and began to fill wells. When the first shovel fell into the dry well, the donkey barked more fiercely and was obviously awake.
Understand the master's intentions When another shovel fell into the dry well, the donkey was unexpectedly quiet. After the discovery, every shovel fell on it.
On his back, the donkey didn't just cry for help and complain about his master, but calmly did an amazing thing. He tried to shake his back.
The dirt on the floor, step on it and pad yourself up a little. People keep shoveling dirt into dry wells, and donkeys keep shaking it off to make it
Lift yourself up a little. In this way, the donkey slowly rose to the mouth of the dry well and walked out of the dry well smartly in the surprised eyes of others.
"Misfortune is a blessing; Happiness lies in misfortune. What brand of powder cake is good? " When setbacks and misfortunes or disasters and bad luck come. "
Wait, we can't be captured by pessimism. Of course, we can't control the outside world, but we can control our own mentality;
Grasping one's own mentality means grasping a beautiful and peaceful spiritual world.
The mentality of facing difficulties determines us.
Or the key to failure. Therefore, in the face of difficulties and setbacks, analyze with an optimistic attitude.
Topic, and use their own wisdom, through their own actions to change the reality, this is really wise. So, when we are in trouble,
Change your mentality in time, see the positive side of a topic or thing, face the topic with a positive attitude, and get rid of panic and pain.
Try to save yourself. An optimistic attitude will help to change the status quo and get rid of the predicament, while a pessimistic attitude will only make the result worse.
Three people with three different mentalities watch spiders climb walls.
After the rain, a spider struggled to climb the broken net on the wall. Because the wall is wet, it will climb to a certain height
Fell down, it got up again and again and fell down again and again.
The first person to see it,
He sighed,
Isn't my life just like this spider? Life is busy and idle.
As a result, he became more and more depressed.
The second man saw it. He said, this spider is really stupid. Why don't you climb around the dry place? I can do it later
Can't be so stupid as it is now. So, he became smart.
The third man saw it, and he was immediately moved by the spider's spirit of fighting and losing. So he became strong.
Revelation 3
Everything in the world.
You can look at it in two ways.
One is positive.
The other is negative.
Negative; Negative; Negative; negative
Just like a coin.
One positive and one negative.
what do you think?
This is both positive and negative.
Is the mentality.
It's entirely up to you.
A good attitude can make people cheerful and enterprising.
Have spirit. A negative attitude makes people depressed.
No initiative.
Mentality can be seen everywhere.
Power. The strong treat things without looking at the negative side, only looking at the positive side. wrong
If he falls and his hand bleeds, he will think: it's a good thing he didn't break his arm; If he had a car accident and broke his leg, he would think: disaster is imminent.
There are blessings after death. A strong man looks forward to every day as the birth of a new life, although there are many troubles waiting for him on this day; Be strong again
Treat every day as the last day of your life and cherish it.
Admitting mistakes is not necessarily losing.
There are two temples on the mountain. Monks in A Temple often quarrel, are hostile to each other and lead a miserable life. Monks in B Temple are very kind.
A smiling face, a happy life.
So, the abbot of A Temple was curious to ask the young monk of B Temple:
Why can the temple be happy forever?
And then what?
The young monk replied:
Because we often do wrong things.
Abbot Camus was wondering when he suddenly saw a monk coming back from outside in a hurry. When he entered the hall, he accidentally slipped and was mopping the floor.
Immediately ran over and picked him up and said:
It's all my fault. I wiped the floor too wet!
The monk stood at the gate and said in regret:
It's all my fault. I didn't tell you the hall was sweeping the floor.
The monk who was helped up felt guilty and said:
Don't! Don't! It's my fault, it's all my own carelessness!
Abbot Camus, who came to consult, saw this scene and got the message. He already knows the answer. Do you know that?/You know what?
Revelation 4
Usually we shirk our responsibilities or quarrel with others in order to protect ourselves, but we don't know that admitting mistakes is not necessarily losing, because admitting mistakes can not only show.
Self-cultivation, self-reflection and self-motivation can even turn violence into peace. Conflicts between friends, if one party can admit his mistake first, war is inevitable.
Stop it immediately. If no one admits his mistake first, then two people will ignore each other when they meet again. In fact, both of them have right and wrong in their hearts.
Often uncomfortable. If you are really wrong and haven't admitted your mistake, is it a bit guilty?
A person's life will always play various roles:
In the family, when children are corrupt, we should review whether we have not fulfilled our educational obligations;
In the company, when subordinates do not perform well, it is necessary to review whether there is a problem in teaching governance methods;
In society, when people blame the bad environment, we should review whether we are the one who destroys the environment.
Change your role. Today, you may lie in winter tomorrow, putting yourself in the other person's shoes and reflecting on yourself. So, deal with things.
Modeling will be another style.
You and I may not be able to change the world, but if everyone has the courage to admit their mistakes and take a negative attitude towards their actions.
Responsible attitude, I believe that inner peace and joy will continue to spread.
Not many people in this world are willing to admit that they are wrong. In many small things, if you learn the skill of "dare to admit mistakes"
Coincidentally, you can gain a lot of initiative in interpersonal relationships.
Second, the philosophy of governance.
Gold and precious stones
A person complains all day that life is unfair to him and that his talents are not appreciated. Finally, this matter is known to God. god
Come to this man, pick up a stone on the ground and throw it into the pile, saying, if the stone is yours, find it yourself. This man looks for it.
Haven't found it for a long time. God threw another piece of gold into the pile and said, if the gold is yours, find it yourself. The result, of course, was a glimpse of the man.
I recognized the gold representing myself. Revelation: Whether to make stone or gold, the choice is in your own hands. Everyone should know himself correctly,
It is easy to find gold in the gravel pile. If others want to find themselves, they must try to turn themselves into gold.
Open your head a millimeter.
There is a company that produces toothpaste in America. Excellent products and exquisite packaging are deeply loved by consumers. The annual turnover is booming.
Let's go Records show that the annual business growth rate of the previous 10 year was
This made the board jump with joy.
However, when the performance entered the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth years, it stagnated and maintained the same number every month. be in charge of/supervisor
The Ministry was not satisfied with its performance in the past three years, so it held a national manager-level high-level meeting to discuss countermeasures.
During the meeting, a young manager stood up and said to the board department:
I have a piece of paper with a suggestion in it. If you want to use my building.
Yes, you must pay me another 50 thousand yuan! Powder ranking
The president was very angry and said, "I will pay you a salary every month, plus dividends and rewards." Now I ask you to have a meeting to discuss, and you still want to. "
Is it too much to ask for another ten thousand dollars? 』
"Mr. President, please don't get me wrong. Your salary allows me to work hard for the company in peacetime; However, this is a major sum.
Valuable advice, you should pay me extra salary. If my suggestion doesn't work, you can throw it away without paying a dime. But,
If you don't look at it, you will lose more than 50 thousand yuan, "explained the young manager."
"good! Let me see why it's worth so much money! The president took the newspaper, read it and immediately signed a check for 50,000 yuan.
Young manager. There was only one sentence written on that piece of paper: "Enlarge the mouth of the existing toothpaste."
Millimeter. 』
The president immediately ordered the replacement of new packaging. Imagine that every consumer uses more every morning.
Millimeter toothpaste, daily consumption of toothpaste
How many times more? This decision increased the company's turnover for the fourteenth year.
Revelation: A small change will often bring unexpected results. When we face new knowledge, new things or new ideas,
Never put your head away, put it behind your back and open it.
Millimeter, accept new knowledge and new things. Maybe a new idea can make
We get a lot of inspiration from it, so as to improve our performance and life, don't you think so?
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