(1) Objective: The advanced degree of organizational goals determines the advanced degree of the organization. (2) Feasibility: The feasibility of decision-making must match the resources available in reality. (3) Dynamics: Decision-making is not dogmatic and must be based on time and place conditions.
Decision-making research is a comprehensive discussion activity using disciplines such as systems science, management science, behavioral science, science, futurology and technical economics. It is a knowledge synthesis of the above disciplines and conducts comprehensive research on organization, management and decision-making issues in social systems at different levels and scales.
The scope of its research mainly focuses on issues such as science, technology and economy, decision-making, planning, management, scientific and technological methods, technology and engineering consulting. Its purpose is to provide model services and scientific measurement for all types of management and decision-making at all levels. The main characteristics of its research method are to conduct systematic analysis and demonstration that combines qualitative and quantitative methods on the basis of full investigation and truthful grasp of data, so as to draw correct predictions and scientific decisions to guide the practical gains of various tasks. Desirable results. It is essential in decision-making research in the field of sports to improve effectiveness and reduce errors.
As for the definition of decision-making, different scholars have different understandings.
Simon's interpretation of decision-making is relatively broad. His famous saying is "Management is decision-making."
Contemporary systems management scientist Kaswu believes that decision-making is to judge and make decisions, that is, to consider, weigh and choose two or more options; behavior is the process of achieving decision-making goals, and people approach Goals rely on continuous decision-making and achieving them.
Henry Albers, another contemporary American scholar, believes that decision-making can be understood in both a narrow sense and a broad sense: in the narrow sense, decision-making is to make a choice among several action plans; in the broad sense, decision-making is Decision-making also includes all the activities that must be done before and after the final decision is made. The process in which most people have a relatively consistent goal and use certain scientific means and methods to select the best plan from two or more feasible plans and put it into practice.
Essentially, decision-making is an activity in which people seek and achieve certain optimal predetermined goals in the process of transforming the world.