famous sayings, aphorisms and examples of lying
Life can't blossom brilliantly from lies. -Heine
Silent innocence is often more touching than words. -Shakespeare
Rumors are things that get stronger as they spread. -m.h.w.
A man who defends himself tells on himself. -Tolstoy
I would rather be spoken ill of by one person before everyone, than by everyone before one person. -Huo Weier
Sometimes people also hate flattery, but only the way of flattery. -La Rochevko
Those who believe in lies will be destroyed before the truth. -Herbart
It is better to say' I don't know' than to lie. -ma gen
flattery can also lead to coordination, but this coordination is caused by the shameless sin or deception of borrowing slaves. -Spinoza
Whenever a person claims that all human beings are bad guys, you can rest assured that he is acting as an exception at this moment. -jerrold
Flattery never comes from a great heart. -Balzac
A promise is as fast as a horse, but facts can catch up with it. -Spanish proverb