1. Ceng Zi said, "I visit three times a day: Are you unfaithful to others? Don't believe in making friends? Can't you learn? "
Ceng Zi said, "I reflect on myself many times every day: Didn't I try my best for others? Is it dishonest to treat friends? Isn't the class taught by the teacher often reviewed? "
Secondly, Confucius said: "Only in a country that follows the Wan Li Road, respects things and believes, saves money and loves people can the people make time."
Confucius said: "To govern a big country, we should seriously handle political affairs, pay attention to credit, save expenses, care for officials, and make rational use of people's resources according to the busy farming hours."
Thirdly, Confucius said, "Disciple, if you enter, you will be filial, if you leave, you will be sincere and trustworthy, and you will love others and be kind. I have spare capacity to study literature. "
Confucius said, "Young disciples are filial to their parents at home, respect their brothers when they go out, be cautious and trustworthy in their words, love everyone and be kind to others. After doing this, there is still room for learning cultural classics. "
Fourth, Xia Zi said: "Xi' an Xian Yi SE; Parents can do their best; As a gentleman, you can pass through him; Make friends and keep your word. Although I have not studied, I will call it learning. "
Xia Zi said: "When you treat your wife, you can value her personality rather than her appearance;" Serving parents can do the best; Serve the monarch and give your life; When dealing with friends, you must keep your word. Although (such a person) says he hasn't studied, I must say he has. "
5. Confucius said: "A gentleman who is not heavy is not arrogant; Learning is not solid. Lord is faithful. A man without friends is worse than himself. Don't change it after it. "
Confucius said, "If a gentleman is not solemn, he will have no dignity; If you engage in study, your study will not be consolidated. Faithfulness should be the leading thought. Don't be friends with people who are different from you. If you make a mistake, don't be afraid to correct it. "
6. A Confucius said, "A word can be repeated if it is true. Politeness is closer to politeness than shame. Because you don't lose your loved ones, you can still live in it. "
A son said, "Only when a promise conforms to the principle of justice can it be put into practice. Respect conforms to the principle of politeness.
To avoid humiliation. Only by relying on your relatives can you be reliable. "
-The above is taken from Learning and Writing.
7. Confucius said: "People have no faith and do not know what they can do. If there is no cart, what can it do? "
-"For Politics"
Confucius said, "I don't know how to be a man without words and promises!" How can a car go without a cart and a car? "
Eight, the son teaches four things: writing, action, loyalty and faith. - .
Confucius educated students from four aspects: ancient literature, code of conduct, treating people with things and being honest and trustworthy.
Nine, Zhang Zi asked Chongde to distinguish confusion. Confucius said, "Believe in the Lord, move righteousness and respect virtue. Love wants to live, and evil wants to die. It's confusing to want to live and die. Sincerity is not rich, only different. "
-"Yan Yuan".
Zhang Zi asked how to improve morality and distinguish chaos. Confucius said: "Only by paying attention to faith and abiding by morality can morality be improved." If you love someone, you want him to live; If you hate him, you want him dead. I want him to live and I want him to die, so it's chaotic. (The Book of Songs says:)' I'm sure I won't get any benefit from it, I'll only get the opposite result.' "
X. Confucius said, "Words must be kept, and actions must bear fruit. What a little man! Suppression can also be a second time. "
Confucius said, "Words must be done, and actions must bear fruit. This is a stubborn little man! But you can also count as a taxi. "
Xi。 Zhang Zi inquired about the production line. Confucius said, "You must keep your word and respect your deeds. Although you are a good country, you can do it. Is it true that you are disloyal and disrespectful, although you are in a state? When you stand up, you will see that you are involved in the front. When you are in the field, you will see that you are leaning on the balance, and then your husband will do it. " Lord Zhang Zishu.
-"Wei Linggong".
Zhang Zi asked how to make it work. Confucius said: "If you speak sincerely, keep your promise and do things kindly and cautiously, even in backward and barbaric countries." . If you don't keep your word, if you don't keep your word, if you don't do things honestly and carefully, will it work even in your hometown? When I stood, I seemed to see the words loyalty and respect in front of me. When I was sitting in the car, I seemed to see these words engraved on the crossbar of the axle. This will work anywhere. "Zhang Zi wrote these words on his belt.
Twelve, Confucius said: "The winner has three friends, and the loser has three friends. Friends are frank, friends forgive and friends listen more, which is beneficial. Friends will be broken, friends will be soft, friends will be destroyed, and friends will be damaged. " -"Ji's Chapter"
Confucius said, "Three friends are beneficial, but three friends are harmful. It is beneficial to make friends with honest people, people who keep their promises and people who know a lot. It is harmful to make friends with flatterers, people who are friendly on the surface, and people who are rhetoric. "
Thirteen, Zhang Wenren is in Confucius. Confucius said, "It is a benevolent person to be able to do five things for the world." "I'm sorry." Say, "Be fair, tolerant, trustworthy, people-oriented, and benefit. Respect is not insulting, forgiveness is popular, faith is responsible, sensitivity is meritorious, and forgiveness can make people. "
-"Yang Huo".
Zhang Zi asked Confucius how to be kind. Confucius said, "Being able to apply five virtues to the world is called benevolence." Zhang Zishuo: "Which five?" Confucius said, "Respect, kindness, faithfulness, diligence and kindness." . Respect will not attract insults, generosity will win everyone's support, faithfulness will be appointed by others, diligence will lead to achievements, and kindness will command people. "
Emphasizing the importance of responsibility should be "a long way to go, benevolence is your responsibility, isn't it important?" In a sense, yes.