Two things that impressed me the most. First, then, there must be my teacher among them. The latter tells us: be smart, study hard, and don't be ashamed to ask people who are not as good as yourself. Although these two sentences were written by Confucius more than 2000 years ago, they still have important guiding significance for our study today. People are not afraid of making mistakes, as long as they have the courage to correct them. Confucius often admitted that he was inferior to his disciples in this respect or that; When words and deeds are inappropriate, once others point them out, he will apologize and correct them immediately. His disciple Zi Gong once said with emotion: The fault of a gentleman is like the food of the sun and the moon: everyone sees it; What's more, people went belly-up. Confucius said, "Never tire of learning, never tire of teaching." In other words, teachers should study hard and never be satisfied with themselves; Teach students tirelessly. Confucius was quoted in The Analects of Confucius as saying, "How dare I be a saint and a benevolent person!" ! If you take pains to restrain it and teach others tirelessly, you can say that you have left. "He said, if it involves holiness and kindness, how dare I! I just never get tired of studying and working, and I never get tired of teaching students. You could say that.
In The Analects of Confucius, Confucius showed magnanimity to teenagers who made mistakes. He said, "If a person is clean, he can make progress, but if he is clean, he can't guarantee his future." This means that if someone has removed the stain and made progress, he should be praised for his cleanliness and should not be obsessed with his past. I think that if Confucius' seventy-two sages and three thousand disciples are regarded as seedlings, then Confucius is fertile soil. Together they create an oasis of life. We have been in China for more than two thousand years. This oasis has always been decorated.
Confucius believes that learning must have a clear purpose, but the key point is "applying what you have learned". Confucius said: "Recite 300 Poems and teach them to be political, not to achieve;" Make it everywhere, not just right; Although a lot, what do you think? " In other words, familiarizing himself with 300 articles of The Book of Songs and giving him political tasks failed. Send him to a foreign country, but he can't handle it independently; In this way, although the book has been read a lot, what is the use? He also said: "I am worried if I don't practice morality, don't talk about learning, and I can't migrate if I am not good at it." In other words, we are worried that we should not cultivate our own moral character, teach knowledge, do just things and correct mistakes, that is, we cannot combine theory with practice. By studying the Analects of Confucius, I learned a lot about life and life, and I also learned more about the methods and attitudes of learning and reading, which really benefited me a lot.