"Detective Conan" is a mystery animation series of the same name adapted from the detective comic "Detective Conan" created by Japanese manga artist Aoyama Gosho. It began broadcasting on Yomiuri TV in Japan on January 8, 1996 and is still broadcast today.
As an animation work, there are also many classic quotes that are still fresh in people's memory
We are both God and devil, and we will defy the flow of time and revive the dead
We are to be that God is also a demon, and with going against the time mighty torrent, let the dead come back to life.
Life is valuable because it is limited, and it is valuable because it is limited. Keep working hard - Hattori Heiji
Just like Caesar who bowed down under Cleopatra's pomegranate skirt, I have quietly come to you... - Kidd
Life is not divided between you and me. Anyone who takes a life is a murderer, even if it is his own life. —— Hattori Shizuka
It’s like a soda vending machine...putting money in will quench your thirst, but if you don’t put money in, there will be nothing...The human heart is something that cannot be bought with money. . ——Sorrow
I don’t know the reason for killing, but I know that there is no need for a reason to save people. ——Kudo Shinichi
When you eliminate all impossibilities, no matter what is left, no matter how impossible it seems, it must be the truth.
I like you more than anyone on earth
There is no unsolvable case in the world, as long as it is man-made
If that If it is a precious memory, it should not be forgotten. Once a person dies, he can only live in the memory of the living.
Although Conan is a suspense drama, the truths he gives us are also very thought-provoking.