Since then, Lu Xun has been squeezing time almost every day. He once said, "Time is like water in a sponge. As long as you squeeze, there is always some. Lu Xun has a wide range of reading interests, and he likes writing. He is also deeply interested in folk art, especially legends and paintings. It is precisely because he has a wide range of knowledge and studies in many ways that time is very important to him. He has been ill all his life, and his working conditions and living environment are not good, but he will not give up until late at night every day.
In Lu Xun's eyes, time is like life. Americans say that time is money. But I think: time is life. If you waste other people's time for no reason, it is tantamount to killing people for money. So Lu Xun hates people who "run around all day, sit in the west and make irresponsible remarks". When he is busy at work, if someone comes to chat or chat with him, even if he is a very good friend, he will rudely say to others, "Well, there you go again. Isn't there anything else to do?" 」