the English word for comfort zone is Save zone, which means "safe field". Anything that makes you feel safe is in Save zone, such as sleeping late in winter and staying in bed. For example, eating a lot of favorite snacks, or playing games all the time.
so, why did you jump out?
Because as the saying goes, "People don't know that they can be so good unless they push themselves." Chicken soup always comes by surprise. . . But in essence, jumping out of Save zone is expanding your Comfort zone. What you have done, if you have done it, you won't find it "so difficult" or "so out of reach" next time.
on the contrary, if you are always content with the status quo, the Save zone will keep shrinking. At this time, you may feel: why are people always bothering me to sleep? Why do Windows systems always have various problems? Be kind to me. . .
If you like to do something, just do it. Just be happy. If it is meaningful, it will be better. After all, I've been in League of Legends for six years. I still have a lot of experience in this regard.
before you decide to get out of your comfort zone and do something you like, the most important thing is to know who you are and what you want to do. The rest is hard work and continuous efforts.
After all, there is another saying that goes well: "With the low level of efforts of most people, it is still far from being talented."