This sentence comes from Mencius' Mencius Hui Liang Wang Shang.
Mencius: Mencius (372 BC-289 BC), whose real name is Ke, whose real name is (to be tested). Press: automobile, ancient prose; Jade, this word. Car and studio, therefore, Yu Zi, Zi Che and Viscount are all Mencius' words). Han nationality, Zou Guoren in the Warring States Period, descended from Lu Guoqing's father. Mencius inherited and carried forward Confucius' thoughts and became a generation of Confucian masters second only to Confucius. He had a comprehensive and great influence on China culture in later generations, and was known as the "Asian Sage", and was also called "Confucius and Mencius" with Confucius. China was a famous thinker and educator in ancient times and a representative of Confucianism in the Warring States Period. Mencius and his disciples wrote Mencius.
Meng Ziliang, ancient prose. It mainly tells the story of Mencius persuading Liang to be a benevolent king. Original text:
Mencius met Liang. The king said, "You have come a long way, but will it benefit our country?"
Mencius said to him, "Why should you talk about profit? And benevolence and righteousness. Wang said,' Why is it good for our country'? The doctor said,' Why is it good for my family'? Shu Ren said,' Why is this good for me? It is dangerous for the state to pay taxes from top to bottom. If the country of a thousand riders kills its monarch, it will be the home of a thousand riders; A thousand times the country kills its king, then a hundred times the home. It's not too much to walk a thousand roads and a hundred roads. Righteousness before righteousness, profit first, and embarrassment if you don't take it. Those who leave their relatives without benevolence and righteousness, and those who leave their husbands without benevolence and righteousness. Wang also said that this is benevolence and righteousness. Why did he say profit? "
Mencius saw the beam in the marsh and Gu Hongyan in the elk, saying, "Are saints also happy about this?"
Mencius said to him, "A saint is happy when he has it, and a saint is happy when he has it." "Poetry" says, "The Lingtai started at the beginning and then set up camp. Shu Ren attacked it, but it failed for several days. Don't be anxious from the beginning (jí), the common people will come. Wang Zailing, Fu (Y not U), Lu, Zhuo and He (hé). Wang is in Lingnuma, jumping at (wū) and (rèn). "King Wen takes people's power as a marsh platform, and folk music means that its platform is called Lingtai, and its marsh is called Lingfen, and it enjoys elk fish and turtles. The ancients enjoyed themselves with the people, so they could enjoy themselves. " Tang Shi said:' Time Hurt (hé) Mourning? Give it to the woman and die together. "People want to die with them. Although there are birds and beasts in the pool, how can they enjoy themselves?"
King Hui of Liang said, "I am a country, and I devote myself to it. If Hanoi is fierce, it will move its people to Hedong and its millet to Hanoi. Hedong is also fierce. People who observe the politics of neighboring countries have no intention like me. There are not many people in neighboring countries, and there are not many people in my country. Why? "
Mencius said to him, "The king is belligerent. Please use the metaphor of war. Replenish drums, weapons company, abandon armor. Or stop after a hundred steps, or stop after fifty steps. What if the pot is too black? "
He said, "No, it's not a hundred steps straight, it's also a walk."
He said: "If Wang knows this, there is no hope that there will be more people in neighboring countries. If you don't go against the farming season, the valley can't take food; If the number (ù) does not enter the pool (wū), the fish and turtles will not be able to eat; Axe gold gets into the mountain in time, and mywood can't be used. Valley and fish turtles can't fight for food, and wood and wood can't fight for it, which makes people lose their lives and have no regrets. Keeping in good health and dying without regret is the beginning of kingly way. Five acres of houses, trees for mulberry, fifty people can wear clothes; Chickens, dolphins and dogs are all domestic animals, so there is no time to waste. Seventy people can eat meat; A hundred acres of land, if you don't hurry, a few people in a family can be hungry; I sincerely hope that the godson of the cult will be filial, and the winners will not be on the road. Seventy people eat meat, clothes and silk, and the Lebanese are neither hungry nor cold, but they are not kings and have nothing.
Dogs don't know when they eat food or when they are hungry. When people die, they say,' If it weren't for me, I would be old.' Why is it different from stabbing and killing people? It said,' Not me, but a soldier. The king is innocent, and the people in the world are heavy. "
King Hui of Liang said, "I would like to teach in peace."
Mencius said to him, "Isn't it unusual to kill people with hammers and blades?"
Yue: "There is no difference."
"Is it unusual to use the blade and politics?"
Yue: "There is no difference."
He said, "There is fat in the barn, fat horses in the stable, hungry people and hungry people in the wild. This causes wild animals to eat each other. Animals eat each other and people hate them. For the sake of people's parents, the administrative department has to lead wild animals to eat people. Evil is being the parents of the people? Zhong Ni said: "The initiator will not have any consequences!" It's also used to make it look like a person. How did it make people starve to death? "
King Hui of Liang said, "Jin State, Mo Qiang knows everything in the world. And my body, the East was defeated by Qi, and my eldest son died; West, lost seven hundred miles in Qin; The south is a disgrace to Chu. I'm ashamed of it, and I'm more willing to pour it than the dead. If so, what can I do? "
Mencius said to him, "The earth is a hundred miles away, so you can be king. The king is kind to the people, saves punishment, collects taxes thinly, and cultivates the fields easily. Strong men can cultivate their filial piety and loyalty in their spare time, serve their fathers and brothers, and serve their superiors, so that they can make a fuss about the strong men in Qin and Chu. When he took his people away, he couldn't farm to support his parents, who were hungry with cold, and their brothers and wives were separated. He drowned his people, but Solo collected them. Who are the enemies of the king? Therefore, as the saying goes,' the benevolent is invincible'. Wang, please don't doubt it! "
Mencius sees King Liang Xiang. Coming out, the speaker said, "I don't look like a gentleman, so I don't understand what I'm afraid of." Suddenly he asked, "Is this world evil?" I said to him,' I booked one. '
Who can be one of them? Right:' If you don't like killing people, you can kill them. '
Who can match it? Yes:' There is nothing in the world but peace. Is it Miao? If there is drought in July and August, the seedlings will die. When the sky looks like a cloud and it rains repeatedly, the seedlings will thrive. If so, who can resist? There are no people who are not addicted to murderers now. If there are people who are not addicted to murderers, people all over the world will look forward to it. If so, the people will pay back and the water will come down. Who can resist? " "
Qi Xuanwang asked, "Have you ever heard of Qi Huan and Jin Wen?"
Mencius said to him, "The followers of Zhong Ni who have nothing to do with Taoism and literature will never be handed down in the future. I haven't heard of it. If there is no way, what is the king? "
He said, "What kind of virtue can make you king?"
He said: "Protecting the people is king, and you can't defend yourself."
He said, "If I am a person, how can I protect the people?"
Say, "Yes."
Yue: "How do you know I can do it?"
He said: "I heard from Hu Weiqi that the king of Qi was sitting in the hall. When he saw him passing under the hall with a cow, he said,' What is a cow?' Yes: "This will be a clock." The king said,' Give it up! I can't bear to be swaddled. If I am innocent, I will die. "Yes:' But why use a clock? Yue:' What can be abolished? Trade sheep for them! Know nothing? "
Say, "Yes."
He said: "The heart is king. The people all love the king, and I know the king can't stand it. "
The king said, "Of course. There are sincere people. Although Qi is young, why do I love a cow? Just can't bear to be swaddled. If I am innocent, I will die, so I want to change sheep. "
He said: "The king and the people love him no different. Small is easy to be big, and evil is known? If Wang hides his innocence and dies, what about cattle and sheep? "
Wang smiled and said, "Why are you sincere? I must love its wealth. It is easy to use sheep, and it is appropriate for people to call me love. "
He said, "This is harmless, but it is a kind of technology. I can't see the sheep when I see the cow. A gentleman is to an animal, seeing its life, and can't bear to see its death; I can't bear to eat its meat when I hear its voice. Far cooking is also a gentleman. "
The king said, "The Book of Songs says,' If others have a heart, they can worry about it.' Master is also called. I did what I had to do, but I asked for it, not really. What the master said is of great concern to me. Why is this heart suitable for the king? "
Yue: "There was a gentleman who said,' I am strong enough to lift a hundred monarchs', not enough to lift a feather; Ming is enough to see the end of autumn', no salary, Wang Xu? "
Say, "No."
"This kind of elegance is enough to become a beast, but not a person. What is this? However, if you don't lift a feather, you won't exert yourself; If you can't see your salary, you don't need to be clear. If the people can't see it, you don't need kindness. Therefore, if the king is not king, he will not be king. "
Say, "What's the difference between what you don't do and what you won't do?"
Yue: "Crossing the North Sea with Mount Tai, people say' I can't'. Folding branches for the elderly, people say' I can't', not for it, definitely not. Therefore, the king is not the king, not relying on Mount Tai to surpass the North Sea and so on; The king is not a king, but a broken branch or something. I am old, and people are old; Young people, young people, young people. The world is in your hands. " The poem says:' the punishment is imposed on the widow, but as for the brother, it is to protect the family.' I just added words to my heart. Therefore, kindness is enough to protect the whole world, but not kindness can't protect your wife. The reason why ancient people are bigger than others is because they are good at pushing themselves and others. Today's kindness is enough for animals, but not enough for people. What's the only thing? Yes, and then know the weight; Degree, then know the length. Everything is natural, and the heart is what it is. Wang, please measure it! Suppress Wang Xing's soldiers and dangerous officials, blame the governors, and then get along with them? "
The king said, "no, how can I be fast enough?" I will seek what I want. "
He said, "Can you smell the king's great desire?" Wang smiled and said nothing.
Yue: "Because the fat is not enough for the mouth and mouth? Light is not warm enough for body and body? Suppressing color selection is not enough by eyes and? Not enough sound? Isn't it enough to place an order before? All the ministers of the king are competent, but is the king right? "
Said, "No, I won't do it."
Said, "but do you know what the king wants?" If you want to expand your territory, you should go to Qin Chu, China and caress Siyi. If you want what you want, you can also get fish from wood. "
The king said, "What if it's good?"
Holmium: "It's almost nothing. You can't fish, but there is no disaster. Do what you want to do, do what you want to do, and do it wholeheartedly. There will be disasters afterwards. "
He said, "Can you hear me?"
He said, "Who does your majesty think will win the battle between Zou and Chu?"
Said: "Chu people win."
He said: "However, a small entity cannot be the enemy of a large entity, a small entity cannot be the enemy of many entities, and a weak entity cannot be the enemy of a strong entity. A place in the sea, thousands of miles away, there is one in the collection. Why is it different from Zou's enemy Chu Tsai? The cover is also the opposite. Today, the king is in power and benevolent, so that all the officials in the world want to stand in the king's dynasty, all the cultivators want to plow in the king's fields, all the businessmen want to hide in the king's city, all the itineraries want to be drawn by the king, and all the people who want to get sick with their king want to stay in the king. If so, how to resist? "
The king said, "Sorry, I can't go in. May the master help me with my ambition and teach me to understand. Although I am not sensitive, please try. "
He said: "Only a scholar can become a persevering person without ceasing to produce. If people, there is no constant production, because there is no perseverance. Without perseverance, you will do whatever you want. It is a waste of people to be caught committing a crime and then punished. A benevolent person is in power, and there is no people. Therefore, if a wise monarch controls the people's property, he can support his parents and wife, he can be satisfied with life in happy years, and he can avoid death in fierce years. Then drive away the good ones, and the people will be lenient. Today, people's property is also under control. It is not enough to serve their parents or adopt a wife. Happy years will be bitter for a lifetime, and unhappy years will inevitably lead to death. This is just to save lives, but I'm afraid I won't be able to support it. If the king wants to do it, he must be afraid. Five acres of houses, trees for mulberry, fifty people can wear clothes; Chickens, dolphins and dogs are all domestic animals, so there is no time to waste. Seventy people can eat meat; One hundred acres of land, if you don't hurry, a family of eight can be hungry; I sincerely hope that the godson of the cult will be filial, and the winners will not be on the road. The old man eats meat, and the people are not hungry or cold, but they are not kings. "