Justice and freedom are both exterior and interior, and once they are divided, both will be lost. -fulk
Freedom should be an opportunity to make yourself better. -Camus
Morality is the defender of freedom. -Schmits
Freedom of thought is the highest independence. -Fiske
Freedom is the right to do everything permitted by law. -Montesquieu
The freedom of one citizen is bounded by the freedom of another citizen. -Declaration of the French National Association
In order to enjoy freedom, we must control ourselves. -Ren Erfu
Order without freedom and freedom without order are equally destructive. -theodore roosevelt
As long as a person declares that he is free, he will also feel that he is restricted. If you dare to claim that you are limited, you will feel free. -Golde
Freedom is lost not only for the abuse of power, but also for the abuse of freedom. -Macpherson
If freedom is indulgent, the despotic devil will take the opportunity to invade. -Washington
A licentious life is not a free life. -anonymous
People who are willing to be slaves don't know the power of freedom. -Beck
People who give up their basic freedom in exchange for a comfortable life will eventually lose their freedom and get no security. -Franklin