The trip to the Avenue is also for the public. Choose talents, make friends and mend fences. Such an old friend is not only a relative, but also an only child, so that the old, the strong, the useful, the young, the strong, the lonely and the sick can all be supported. Men get points and women get rewards. If the goods are abandoned on the ground, there is no need to hide them on yourself; You don't have to do it for yourself. Therefore, it is called "Datong" to seek closure but not prosperity, and thieves do not do it, so leaving the house is not sealed.
The road is implemented and the world is shared by the people. Select virtuous and talented people (work for everyone), stress honesty and advocate harmony. Therefore, people should not only support their parents, but also raise their children, so that the elderly can live their whole lives, the middle-aged can serve the society, and the young children can grow up smoothly, so that No Country for Old Men, No Country for Old Men, No Country for Old Men, No Country for Old Men, No Country for Old Men and No Country for Old Men can enjoy a smooth development. Men should have jobs and women should get married in time. (people) hate the phenomenon that wealth is abandoned on the ground (but collected and stored) instead of enjoying it alone; I hate refusing to do my best in ordinary work. I always don't want to work for personal gain. In this way, no one will conspire, no one will steal property and make trouble, and (every household) will not have to close the door. This is the so-called "Datong" society.