Confucius: "Shangshu" famous saying: It is a joy to learn and practice. Idiom: There is no distinction between teachings, and you are not ashamed to ask Mencius: "Mencius" famous saying: The people are the most valuable, the country is second, the king is despised . Idioms: Give up one's life for righteousness; live in sorrow and die in peace and happiness. Laozi: "Tao Te Ching" Quotes: Mysteries are mysterious, and the door to all wonders is difficult to cure. Idiom: He who knows himself is clear; the house is full of gold and jade. Zhuangzi: "Zhuangzi" Quotes: The Tao is hidden in the small. Success, words hidden in glory Idiom: A blockbuster, soaring to the sky Liezi: "Liezi" Quote: A perfect person's intention is like a mirror, he will not meet or greet, respond but not hide, so he can conquer things without harming them Idiom: A foolish old man moves a mountain, but a grandson can mend the lost sheep. : "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu Famous saying: Soldiers are a major event for the country, and the way of survival in the land of life and death must not be ignored! Idiom: Unexpected, just in time for a surprise victory Mozi: "Mozi" Famous saying: The benefit of the world is to eliminate the troubles of the world. Harmful. Idiom: stick to the rules and work hard. Han Feizi: "Han Feizi" Famous saying: If a husband treats me well with his words, he will offend me with his words. Idiom: A dog makes wine sour, contradictory, 1,