This was written by Hu Lancheng and Zhang Ailing when they got married. 1944, when Hu and Zhang got married, they wrote a marriage letter: "Hu Lancheng and Zhang Ailing signed a life-long contract and became husband and wife. May the years be quiet and the world be stable. "
1, Hu Lancheng (1906.2.28—1981.7.25), a modern writer in China, was originally named Hu Jirui, nicknamed Sheng Rui, born in Shengxian County, Zhejiang Province, and the first husband of Zhang Ailing. Hu Lancheng was an auditor in yenching university when he was young, and he was good at writing. Later, he followed Wang Jingwei. During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression period, he became the deputy director of the propaganda department of Wang puppet regime, and was listed as a famous traitor for writing articles for Wang Jingwei.
2. Zhang Ailing (1920.9.30—1995.9.8), a modern writer in China, was originally named Zhang Tang, pen name Liang Jing, originally from Feng Run, Hebei Province, and was born in Shanghai. Childhood experienced the decline of the old feudal family, and youth experienced the horror of the Hong Kong War, and gradually formed a pessimistic attitude towards life.