Confucius said: "When reviewing old knowledge, you can understand new things before you can be a mentor."
Confucius said, "What if you learn from time to time? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? Isn't it a gentleman to be ignorant and not satisfied? "
Confucius said, "Isn't it pleasant to learn and then review and practice them at a certain time?" Isn't it nice to have friends from afar? Others don't understand me, and I don't resent (be angry). Isn't it also a morally cultivated person? "
Confucius said, "I am determined to learn five times out of ten, standing at thirty, not confused at forty, knowing my destiny at fifty, obeying my ears at sixty, and doing what I want at seventy, without overstepping the bounds."
Confucius said: "When I was fifteen, I was determined to study; At the age of 3, doing things is in line with etiquette; At the age of forty, I was not confused. Understand the laws of nature at the age of fifty; At the age of 6, when you listen to others' words, you can understand them without thinking much; At the age of seventy, I will do whatever I want, and any thoughts will not go beyond the rules. "
I hope it will be adopted. Please ask me if you have any questions.