Confucius said, "If you don't suffer from what others don't know, you don't know what others are suffering from." (
Confucius said, "If you don't suffer from nowhere, you will suffer from it. I don't know what I know, but I want to know it. " ("Liren")
Confucius said: "See the sage Si Qi Yan, but look inward when you don't see the sage." ("Liren")
Zi Gong said, "I don't want others to add to me, and I also want to add others." ("Gongye Chang")
Confucius said: "If you are rich, you can ask for it. Although you are a whip-wielding person, I will do it. If you can't ask for it, you should do what I want." (
Confucius said, "Eat sparingly, drink water, bend your arms and pillow it, and enjoy it." Being unjust and rich and expensive is like a cloud to me. " ("Shu Er")