The phrase "Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world" first appeared in Gu's "Record of Japanese Knowledge", and the background was that the Qing army entered the customs. His original sentence was: "those who protect the country, their princes, their ministers and meat eaters seek it;" Those who protect the world are shameful and responsible. "
It means to protect a national system from being overthrown, which is the duty of emperors, generals and ministers of civil affairs, and has nothing to do with ordinary people; The prosperity and demise of the whole world is related to the interests of all people, so every ordinary person has an unshirkable responsibility.
Gu is a famous scholar of Confucian classics, history, geography and phonology, and is known as the founder of "opening Confucianism" and "opening mountains in Qing Dynasty". He is knowledgeable and has profound attainments in Confucian classics, history, phonology, primary school, epigraphy and archaeology, local chronicles, geography, poetry and so on. He made great achievements in connecting the past with the future and became an outstanding master who opened the way for a generation of academics.