Put forward arguments from the physical and psychological problems caused by stress, such as insomnia, headaches, mental anxiety, etc., and give appropriate examples.
Let me post a paragraph for you: Symptom 1: Too nervous to start. All I can think about is the difficulty of finding a job, but I feel like I have no idea where to start. I have trouble sleeping and eating, and I worry about one thing and not the other. This symptom is usually due to teachers and parents having too high expectations of him
Symptom 2: Failure to study. I read for a long time, but what I read didn’t enter my mind at all. Usually caused by anxiety and other psychological factors.
Symptom 3: Disharmonious interpersonal relationships. He has a very bad temper and can't explain it at all. His spoken words are: "Don't pay attention to me, I'm annoying you!" and "Our teacher in a certain subject is particularly bad. It's better to learn from him than to learn by yourself." This is also caused by the difficulty in adjusting one's own state. Many times, I make excuses for my nervousness because I am too nervous.
Symptom 4: Poor sleep. College students facing employment difficulties have varying degrees of insomnia. Insomnia is often a signal or result of excessive psychological pressure. Insomnia and psychological pressure often have a vicious interaction. If you have insomnia for a long time, you should seek help from a psychiatrist as soon as possible.
Psychological research shows that the relationship between a person's motivation intensity and activity efficiency is in an inverted U shape, that is, moderate intensity motivation activities are the most efficient, while motivation levels that are too low or too high will lead to activity efficiency decline.
Therefore, in response to the increasing pressure, classmates, teachers and parents should communicate more and trust each other; they can also adopt a method of playing games to agree with each other and their roles within a certain period of time. Exchange and understand each other's feelings, which can enhance understanding with each other