1. Misra said that mathematics is the highest achievement of human thinking.
Bacon said that mathematics is the key to science.
Herman Weil said that mathematics is an infinite science.
Plato said that mathematics is the highest form of all knowledge.
Halmos said that mathematics is a unique art.
6. Hegel said that mathematics is the symbol that God describes nature.
Second, interesting mathematics
There are seven cats in each of seven houses. Among these seven cats, no matter which one can catch seven mice, and each of these seven mice will eat Three wheat. If seven ears of wheat can be peeled from each ear, how many houses, cats, mice, ears of wheat and grains add up?
Third, mathematical fairy tales.
Under the sunshine, the river is sparkling, and there are many lovely fish swimming in it, which are very flexible and flashing from side to side, so cute. The experienced mother bear caught a lot of fish in a short time. Mother Bear smiled and said to Baby Bear, "Big Bear, Xiong Er, and three bears are going to share the fish. Xiong Dayou 100 fish, of which 1/5 is Xiong Da's. The remaining 1/4 is distributed to Xiong Er; Give Xiong San1/3; I take the rest 1/2 and give the rest to my dad.