The reason can be traced back to the famous French king Henry IV in 16th century. He was originally a small and poor monarch in southern France, and became king of France by virtue of Wen Tao's military strategy. When France took office, it was still a mess. The people worked all year round, but even the cheapest chicken could not afford it. Henry IV vowed to "let farmers have a chicken in every pot every weekend". After years of reform, the French economy has improved, and the lives of ordinary people have really improved a lot, and they can basically eat chicken at ordinary times. From then on, the French began to treat the weekend of eating chicken as a holiday.
To commemorate Henry IV, many southern French cities are still selling a kind of colored fruit candy called "Henry IV". Many traditional families still adhere to the tradition of eating chicken on weekends. The famous saying "Let farmers have a chicken in every pot every weekend" has also been written into primary school textbooks and passed down from generation to generation.