Please write an article about Confucius Yue.
Confucius said, "Being unjust and rich is like a cloud to me". In Confucius' mind, upholding justice is the highest value of life. When there is a contradiction between rich and poor and morality, he would rather be poor than give up morality. But we can't regard his peace and happiness as not seeking wealth, but seeking to maintain Tao, which is not in line with historical facts. Confucius once said: "Rich and expensive, people want what they want; You can't go anywhere unless you take the main road. Poverty and meanness are disgusting to people; If you don't take the main road, you won't go. " "Money is available, although there are many whips, I can do it. If you can't get it, just do as I say. " Confucius is famous for his eagerness to learn and his keen interest in all kinds of knowledge, so he is versatile and knowledgeable. At that time, he was so famous that he was almost regarded as an omniscient saint, but Confucius himself didn't know it that way. Confucius said, "A saint can't learn; he never tires of learning, and he never tires of teaching." Confucius learned that there was no teacher. Whoever has knowledge and who doesn't understand will worship him as a teacher. So he said, "A threesome must have a teacher." Confucius, who was upright in nature and advocated going straight, once said, "Who will ruin my reputation for others?" If you are famous, you have to try. Simin also, the reason why the three generations went straight. "Historical Records records that Confucius asked Lao Tzu to be polite when he was in his thirties. When he left, Laozi gave a message: "Smart and thorough, close to death, considerate. Those who argue the broad masses are in danger, and those who are evil are also. A son should not have his own, and a minister should not have his own. "This is Lao Tzu's kind reminder to Confucius, and it also points out some shortcomings of Confucius, that is, he looks at the problem too deeply and speaks too sharply, hurting some people with positions and bringing great danger to himself. Confucius founded the moral theory with benevolence as the core. He is also a very kind person, compassionate, helpful and sincere. " Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you, don't be evil if you are a gentleman, and do your best until you die. Confucius said, "Five out of ten, I am determined to learn; I am thirty years old; Forty without confusion; At the age of fifty, I knew my destiny; I am obedient at the age of sixty; I am still obedient at the age of seventy; I didn't cross the line. "This is Confucius' summary of all stages of his life. Gentle, then a gentleman Confucius famous saying. From The Analects of Confucius Yongye: "Confucius said:' Quality is better than literature, literature is better than history, gentle and gentle, and then a gentleman'." According to the meaning, writing and literary talent; Quality, simplicity; Binbin, mixed phase. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu Zhu annotated The Analects of Confucius: "Scholars should make up for the loss, but as for virtue, it was unexpected." Liu Baonan's "The Analects of Confucius Justice" in Qing Dynasty: "Rites are of quality, and texts are also. Quality, this is also. No ceremony without foundation, no words, can be done. " Confucius said "Wen" refers to the external expression of ceremony; "Quality" refers to the inner benevolence. Only when you have the inner character of "benevolence" and can show it in a polite way can you become a "gentleman" The relationship between literature and quality is the relationship between courtesy and benevolence. This article embodies the ideal personality of "gentleman" that Confucius highly praised; The other embodies his consistent golden mean: that is, he does not advocate emphasizing literature over partiality, nor does he advocate emphasizing quality over partiality; It is not easy to be impartial and have the best of both worlds, but it has gone too far. "Confucius said,' The writings of the Yin and Zhou Dynasties, the quality of Yu Xia, are the best. Yu Xia's text is unparalleled in quality; The quality of Yin and Zhou Dynasties is beyond words; How easy is it to say that the quality of words is good? "(The Book of Rites) Confucius' famous saying of staying away from ghosts and gods. From The Analects of Confucius: "Fan Chi asked about knowledge, and Confucius said,' Serving the people and staying away from ghosts and gods can be described as knowledge'". Zhu Note: "Devote yourself to what is suitable for human beings, and you can know it without being confused by the unknowability of ghosts and gods." (Notes on the Analects of Confucius) In Qing Dynasty, Liu Baonan interpreted this sentence as: "It means to respect ghosts and gods with courtesy" (Justice of the Analects of Confucius). "Book of Rites": "Confucius said:' Xia Dao respects life, ghosts and gods are separated, and they are loyal; Yin people respect God, lead civil gods, and worship ghosts before rituals; People in the Zhou Dynasty saluted, ghosts respected God, and stayed at a distance. People who are close to each other are free, while is loyal. "Combined with the language told by Confucius above, we can see that Confucius holds a different view of ghosts and gods from Xia and Shang Dynasties, and teaches to learn from Zhou Dao. On the premise of acknowledging the existence of ghosts and gods, Confucius also suggested that we should neither despise ghosts and gods nor approach them, which is different from emphasizing that people are ahead of ghosts and gods in daily life and social activities (The Analects of Confucius is advanced: "Lu Ji asked ghosts and gods, and Confucius said,' If you can't serve people, how can you serve ghosts? ") attitude. Confucius' famous saying: I want to stand up and stand up, and I want to achieve it. From "The Analects of Confucius Yongye", Confucius answered Zigong and asked Ren: "The benevolent wants to stand and stand, and he wants to reach people, which can be compared. It can be said that the benevolent side has already existed. " Zhu noted the Analects of Confucius: "He who thinks about himself and others has a benevolent heart. From this point of view, you can see the natural flow and have no leisure. " Ruan Yuan's "Classroom Collection" in Qing Dynasty: "Take pains and achieve something; Diligently teach people and make them become talents. Standing, such as' standing at thirty'; Those within reach, such as' in Bangbida, at home'. "This sentence or say, you want to stand up, also want to let others stand up, you want everything to work, also want to let others work. Therefore, it embodies the way of "forgiving benevolence" advocated by Confucius, that is, the practical ways and methods of "benevolence" Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you, which is the high standard of "forgiveness" and the practice of "benevolence" in a positive sense, while its low standard is to push what you hate, push yourself and others, without adding evil, and practice "benevolence" in a negative sense (see The Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan: Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you), push yourself and others, and know others by yourself. Keep what you say and carry out what you do. The Analects of Confucius said: "Confucius said,' I don't believe in the past, but I stole my old Peng'. "History of the Scholars" contains: Confucius "learned ancient and modern texts", narrated books, said "Yue", discussed poetry, Yin Lushi's Spring and Autumn Period, improved the Book of Changes, "all because of the near sacred things, in order to establish the teaching of the former king. Therefore, it is said that' words without deeds, letters are ancient'. " Zhu Zhu notes the Analects of Confucius: "Confucius deleted poems, books, rituals, music, praised the Book of Changes and revised the Spring and Autumn Annals, all of which were handed down by the late king and never did anything. "The meaning of the sentence is passed down from the old chapter without creation, and it is both obedient and fond of ancient culture." "Doing nothing" and "cherishing the past" are the summary of Confucius' lifelong teaching and academic research career, and also reflect his principles of sorting out historical and cultural heritage and his basic attitude towards ancient culture. By "not doing", Zhu thought that Confucius "did more than he did" (ibid.). Then scholars think that Confucius actually wrote and wrote.