So they went to find Confucius together. After Confucius asked about the situation, he smiled and said to Yan Hui, "March 8th is twenty-three. Yan Hui, you lost. Give your hat to someone else! " Yan Hui thought the teacher must be crazy. Yan Hui reluctantly handed the hat to the man, who took it and left happily.
Then, Confucius said to Yan Hui: Say you lost it, just a hat; Say he lost, that's a life! Do you think hat is more important or life is more important? Yan Hui suddenly realized that he sat down in front of Confucius and said respectfully, "The teacher is above family loyalty, and the students are ashamed!"! Confucius said flatly, "Bowing to others and lightly blaming others is far from complaining. "
This spirit of Confucius is typical of tolerating others. Knowing that the other party is unreasonable or wrong, but not playing, he gives up. Although he suffered a small loss, he didn't let others suffer a big loss. This spirit of tolerance is commendable.