2. Teachers are not only disseminators of knowledge, but also models. -[America] Bruner
3. If you love your own value, you have to create value for the world. -[Germany] Goethe
4. Without passion, nothing great in the world can be accomplished. -[Germany] Hegel
5. To light the way for others, you must shine-this is the greatest happiness of people. -[former Soviet Union] dzerzhinsky
6. There is only one subject that must be taught to children, and this subject is the first duty of being a human being. ..... I'd rather call a teacher with this kind of knowledge a mentor than a teacher, because the problem is not what he should take to teach his children, but how he should guide them to behave. -[France] Rousseau
7. The iceberg moves majestically in the sea, because only one-eighth of it is above the water. -[America] Hemingway
8. He is upright and does things without orders; His body is not straight, although he does not obey. -[China] Confucius