2. Du Fuchuan is singing and laughing in Liulin, and the red flag is fluttering. White sheep belly towel and red belt, relatives welcome Yanhe. Full of words to detain said not to come out, plunged into the arms of relatives.
3. Twenty Lipu sent Liulin Puying and went home ten years later. There are branches and roots at the top of the tree and relatives near the mountain. Lamb lamb looked at her mother beside her breast, and the small grain of rice supported me to grow up. Dongshan millet, west valley, red flag on the shoulder, book in hand. Teach me by hand. My mother sent us across the Yellow River. Wan Li, the road to revolution, is missing you from all directions.
4, whisked window paper red window paper, the doll is rushing to pull. A sip of rice wine pushes the waves behind the Yangtze River. The great development of the revolution in this decade is endless.
5, a thousand legs for a thousand eyes, not enough for me to walk and not enough for me to see! With a blue sky and a big mirror overhead, Yan 'an City shines in my heart: the streets are wide and flat, and the buildings are covered with rainbows; Bright lights, rows of trees to meet the spring breeze. Compared with the past, I didn't recognize you. My mother changed clothes in Yan 'an.
6. Yang Jialing's red flag is flying high, and the revolutionary Wan Li is at its climax! Baota shan left footprints and Chairman Mao boarded Tiananmen Square! Zaoyuan lights shine on people's hearts, and Yanhe rolls and shouts "Forward"! Red Guards, Youth League, Red Scarf, our heroes from generation to generation, stride forward along the socialist road, and the glorious Yanhe River is still ahead! With wings and feet, go back to Yan' an to see your mother!