, "Emotion is not sent, that is, it is all in the festival, that is, and; If you are in the middle, you are the biggest in the world; Harmony is also the way of the world; Neutral, the status of Heaven is awkward, and everything breeds. "
God's burden is silent and tasteless. To the maximum extent.
"Confucius said:' Shun's great wisdom is also related to it! Shun is good at asking questions but is good at observing words and deeds, hiding evil and promoting good, and holding both ends for the people, thinking shun! " "
"The officer is wide, the people are slow, and slow is fierce. Fierce people waste, waste is wide. Forgiveness is fierce, fierceness is broad, and politics is harmonious. "
Zi Gong asked, "Which is better, a teacher or a businessman?" Confucius said:' The teacher has passed, but the business is not as good as it is. "said,' but will the teacher recover then?' Confucius said, "Too much is too late." "
I can think of these myself. I hope I can help you.