Pronunciation y ǐ ré n w é i j é ng
Explain that you take the success or failure of others as your reference.
Source "Mozi is not attacking": "A gentleman looks at people instead of water. Mirror in the water, meet each other late; Look at people and you will know good or bad. "
The source of classical Chinese is Zi Jian 196.
Zheng Wenzhen's husband, Wei Zhi, was ill, so he sent an emissary to inquire, fed him medicine bait, and looked across the road. He also sent Ang Lee, a corps commander, to stay for the first time and heard the news. Fu Shang and the prince went to the first place and heard something. Being a prince means that the son of Hengshan will take away his wife and son's uncle Yu. On the fifth day of Lunar New Year's Eve, he ordered hundreds of officials to attend funerals of grade 9 or above, preach to Yu Bao, and be buried with Zhaoling. His wife, Shi Pei, said: "I have been frugal all my life, and it is not the will of the dead to be buried with a feather instrument today." Tell me I won't be accepted. I'm buried in a cloth car. I went to the West Building in Deng Yuan, and I looked at it and cried. The self-made inscription on the tablet is used as a stone for calligraphy. Thinking about the levy, he said to the courtiers: "People can take copper as a mirror, dress their clothes, take history as a mirror, see the rise and fall, and take people as a mirror to know the gains and losses; Wei Zhi didn't, I died a mirror! "
Zheng Wenzhen and Wei Zheng couldn't afford to get sick, so the Taijiao people went to inquire and gave him medicine bait, and the people who delivered the medicine kept coming. Ang Lee Yanyan, the corps commander, was also sent to stay in Wei Zhi's house and report any movement. Emperor Taizong took the prince to his residence and pointed to Princess Hengshan, hoping to marry her to Wei Shuyu, the son of Wei Zhi. On the 17th of Chen Wu, Wei Zhi died, and Emperor Taizong ordered all the civil and military officials above grade 9 to attend the funeral, and gave a guard of honor and a feathered trumpeter to be buried in Zhaoling. Wei Zhi's wife said, "Wei Zhi usually lived a simple life, but now he decorated the national flag with bird feathers and buried it with the etiquette of a first-class official. This is not the will of the deceased. " They refused, only covered the car with cloth and carried the coffin for burial. Emperor Taizong boarded the West Building of Forbidden Garden and looked at Wei Zhi's hearse and wept bitterly. Emperor Taizong personally wrote inscriptions and tombstones. Emperor Taizong kept thinking about Wei Zhi and said to the ministers around him, "People can use copper as mirrors to arrange clothes and hats. Taking history as a mirror, we can observe the ups and downs of dynasties, compare people to a mirror, and know the gains and losses of our actions. Wei Zhi died and I lost an excellent mirror. "
This article records what happened in Zhenguan 17 (AD 643) of Emperor Taizong. From Wei Zhi's "sleeping sickness" to "dying", a series of words and deeds of Emperor Taizong showed Wei Zhi's "frugality all his life" and advice, which highlighted that Emperor Taizong was a sober and wise monarch. In particular, the "three-sided mirror" theory has become a famous saying praised by later generations.
Famous sentence: people can take bronze clothes as a mirror, the past as a mirror, see the rise and fall, and take people as a mirror to know the gains and losses.
People use copper as mirrors, which can be used to correct clothes and hats. Taking history as a mirror, we can observe the reasons for the rise and fall of dynasties. By comparing people with a mirror, we can know the gains and losses of our actions. References:
Baidu baike