1, Confucius said: gentlemen are not good at comparison, and villains are not good at comparison. ?
Confucius said: gentlemen unite without collusion, while villains collude without collusion. ?
2. Confucius said: A gentleman likes virtue, while a villain likes earth; A gentleman is guilty of punishment, but a villain is guilty of profit. ?
Confucius said: A gentleman thinks virtue, while a villain thinks profit; A gentleman thinks of Buddhism, while a villain thinks of luck. ?
3. Confucius said, "A gentleman is righteous and a villain is beneficial." ?
Confucius said, "A gentleman knows the righteousness, but a villain only knows the small profits." ?
4. Confucius said: a gentleman is not a tool. ?
Confucius said: A gentleman should be versatile rather than a tool. ?
5. Confucius: an upright man is open and poised, the villain is worried. ?
Confucius said, "A gentleman is broad-minded, but a villain is always sad." ?
6. Confucius: the beauty of a gentleman's adult is not the evil of an adult; The villain is the opposite. ?
Confucius said: a gentleman usually achieves the good things of others and does not destroy other people's things, while a villain is just the opposite. ?
7. Confucius said: a gentleman is harmonious but different; Little people are at odds. ?
Confucius said: a gentleman has a smooth attitude, but he will not agree with others; It is easy for a villain to agree with other people's views, but in fact he can't get along with others in peace. ?
8. Confucius said: A gentleman is Thai but not arrogant; The villain is arrogant but not Thai. ?
Confucius said, "A gentleman is calm but not proud, while a villain is proud but not impetuous." ?
9. Confucius said: A gentleman has no benevolence, but a husband? There are no villains and no benevolent people! ?
Confucius said: among gentlemen, there are those who have no benevolence, while among villains, there are those who have no benevolence. ?
10, Confucius said: Junzida; Little people give orders. ?
Confucius said: a gentleman is righteous; The villain is down and out, pursuing fame and profit. ?
1 1, Confucius said: a gentleman is poor; The villain is poor?
Confucius said, "A gentleman who is poor can be safe, but a villain who is poor can't be restrained." ?
12, Confucius said: a gentleman seeks himself; Little people ask for help. ?
Confucius said: a gentleman is strict with himself, emphasizing an introspective attitude, and looking for reasons from himself instead of complaining. ?
13, Confucius said: a gentleman cannot be ignorant, but can be greatly influenced; Little people can't suffer much, but they can know a little. ?
Confucius said: "a gentleman can't test him with trivial matters, but he can accept heavy responsibilities;" The villain can't accept important tasks, but he can be tested with small things. "