More than 2,000 years have passed, but Confucius’s 10 words “A gentleman has nothing to eat and nothing to seek for peace of mind” are still of practical significance to today and are still of great enlightenment to us. In other words, to be a good person, you must be a person who loves to learn and learn well. Where does a person learn to learn well? That is to say, control your mouth and don’t be greedy. Control your mouth and don’t eat too much. Don’t eat too well. If you are greedy, you will not be a good person. In the past, parents often said that bad children were greedy in eating, drinking, sleeping, and playing. The word "greedy" means that it is not a bad habit and must be changed. People's bad habits start from gluttony and playfulness. It can be seen that Confucius talked about how to be a good person, and it can be said that he hit the nail on the head and was just right.
If a person wants to learn well, he must be a moral person. A moral person starts from developing good living habits. The ancients said: "Quietness cultivates one's character, frugality cultivates one's virtue." A person with moral quality starts from a frugal lifestyle. A person who is extravagant in life and likes luxury and waste is not a virtuous person.
In the commodity economy society, all kinds of temptations are coming, which makes many people only focus on the word "money". In order to make money, they lose their morality and the word "integrity". Although there are Many people have made a lot of money, but they have lost the most precious and needed word "virtue" in life. Some people start to enjoy eating, drinking and having fun after making money, and indulge in material enjoyment. Living in a big house, driving a luxurious car, and wearing famous brands have created a trend of blind comparison. This has made many people feel more and more tired. Now that they have money, they feel that life is not happy. Feeling.
Material life is the first need of people, but people have material needs and cannot do without spiritual life needs. Only when a person pays attention to spiritual life can he restrain his material desires and have happiness. Be self-disciplined, reflect on your own behavior, and be a good person. This is how a person learns well.
No matter how society develops or how the times progress, if a person wants to live a happy life, he must have enough to eat and live in peace, which means he must live a simple and simple lifestyle. . Only by living this way can people keep a clear mind, not be confused by material desires, not be obsessed by fame and fortune, and stick to their own path in life.
After a person is basically satisfied with his material life, he must pursue spiritual enjoyment, be able to be self-disciplined, and be considerate of others. In today's impetuous society, there are many temptations. If a person cannot keep it, If you live in loneliness and indulge in the enjoyment of material life, you will go astray in life. If a person is greedy for comfort and enjoyment, he will eventually fall into depravity. We have heard of such cases from time to time, so we should be alert.
In this diversified society, where people are feasting and feasting, a person must be able to restrain his own behavior. The road to life will always encounter ups and downs. To be a person, you must be good at learning and be diligent in self-cultivation. If you can have nothing to eat and nothing to live in, you can reject the temptation of material desires and live a simple lifestyle. In this way, you can endure loneliness, maintain prosperity, and live a simple and happy life.