Pan Shouyu, a master of Chinese studies, said: A good teacher can change the temperament of his students. There is a person and a book that can change the temperament of a nation. This person is Confucius, this book is "The Analects of Confucius", this nation is the Chinese nation, and this temperament is the "gentle and gentle" gentleman's temperament. A few strange pieces of paper from a century ago, and a pile of dust from the heroes of the ages. Only Bingran Zhou Confucianism still maintains benevolence and righteousness to benefit the people.
World Teachers’ Day—Confucius touched the world. UNESCO once designated September 28, Confucius’ birthday, as “World Teachers’ Day”; in 1971, the U.S. House and Senate legislated September 28, Confucius’ birthday, as Teachers’ Day in the United States; China’s Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore Countries such as China, Malaysia, and Indonesia all regard Confucius’ birthday as Teachers’ Day or celebration day. It can be seen that Confucius is not only the originator of Chinese teachers, but also the glory of teachers in the world. ; The Confucian Temple (Confucius Temple) in Tokyo, Japan, is larger than Nanjing, China. The Confucian culture of Confucius is a universal culture. Thank you to the people with lofty ideals who respect Confucian culture!
History is the best filter, it tells us what is the best. In 1988, some Nobel Prize winners gathered in Paris and made the following statement: If human beings want to survive in the 21st century, they must seek wisdom from Confucianism of 2,500 years ago. The United Nations Headquarters is also engraved with the words of Confucius: "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you." Such words of universal culture still have practical significance for dealing with the relationships between different countries, different politics, different religions, and different cultures.